Thursday 24 January 2013

Rough Guide

A long days journey into light

I began my journey at the famous and expensive shop, Liberties. It is elegant and well designed, and I was delighted by its rafters, and displays. I used the samples that I had selected during my visit, to make my first piece – a fabric map of the streets of my wanderings

This fabric is Sydenham Hall 
I was fascinated by these fabric samples from Libertys, with their lines and points, but in natural shapes. I made a grid of them like a map of the city to contrast their natural look.
I wandered out into the busy streets. At first it was difficult to make the first movement towards strangers. But I found that, as an artist, I could talk to people in a new way- and they would respond positively. They were interested in my project and would pose for me. I discovered that I had the courage to start talking to people,  and that they were interested in what I was doing, interested in art. People are usually in such a hurry, but I was able to turn busy shoppers into mannequins.

I was not only surprised by people. I also discovered that places had hidden meanings when you looked more deeply. The African fabric I found in an expensive shop in Dover Street surprised me.

It brought memories of my childhood in Africa, evoked images, and wonder. I began to look at things more closely- to see what was hidden from me at first glance, and from different angles. Uninteresting, broken objects captured my attention. I saw connections between objects found on the street.
I collected these unwanted objects. I was astonished to find so many coins- and even more astonished that one said “Liberty”!  There were so many echoes, and repeated marks.
I visited two galleries and found in one a piece that played with light like points of interest on a map. Maps. Connections. Echoes.
As it got dark, I tried to capture these ideas of light, shape and movement. Lights making patterns. Lights, shapes. I discovered that I can create patterns using the camera to capture and play with light/lights. I want to develop this idea further.

I enjoyed manipulating different materials in a mixed media approach, which I used in this project.

I was interested in the Liberty building, especially the ceiling, because it has a fascinating structure- like the lines of streets or alleyways. Little streets-high street. Like a map where all points combine in one specific place.

The ceiling in Liberty's


Liberty’s mapped out its carpet floor. I have never seen before a map of where carpets come from. 


Like a map of the points /where you can find the points. The tables are like little islands- I am fascinated by how Liberty displays their products. It is open, and yet clearly “traced”.

After my little wander, I had a chat with this happy Liberty’s customer. He kindly posed like a mannequin.

Top Shop
I stood and watched people coming in and out
Voila le flaneur!
The mannequin looks at the flaneur
(Le mannequin qui regard le flaneur)
I like the contrast:
the mannequin looks at the flaneur
The “model” looks straight ahead

A helpful shopper models for me in front of a flanneur and a window full of mannequins

African print found in Dover Street market

By moving the material as I took the photo, I created an image like lights

I started to look more
closely at the street.
A view with cocked head

A discovery opposite the RA
Lights disappearing into a tunnel

An old dirty letterbox
A contrast to Dover street

I began to see more everywhere

Railings, street art

Connecting images

Things unwanted

 An abandoned receipt
I began to be interested in lost objects, unwanted objects. In this very expensive place, you see dirt, litter, discarded cigarettes. You expect a higher standard in such a street. Because everything was so pricey, I began to be more interested in things that had no price. Discarded items, things thrown away.

A note an aide-memoire

I began to collect found objects

Surprisingly, I began to find coins

Coins from everywhere

Look! One says “Liberty” !!

I visited Todd White’s Gallery with its cartoons

Carnaby Street

Once the centre of world fashion

The fashion revolution ... (Mary Quant...)

Piccadilly circus

Playing with lighting

Lighting in movement
Patterns form



Drawing and patternmaking with the camera

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