Monday 28 January 2013


Psychogeography quotes
Here are some quotes I found when researching for the rough guide
 “Psychogeography is practiced and theorised almost exclusively in urban contexts. Sukhdev Sandhu points out that “since the postwar era of inner city neglect and mass suburbanisation, cities have become hot commodities for academic theorists as much as financiers and real estate moguls.” Sukhdev Sandhu, ‘Discovering the secrets of the city’ in New Statesman vol 135 no. 4804, 7th August 2006, p46, as quoted in Walking Silvermines/ a Rural Psychogoegraphy by Bryonie Reid 
 “Dadaism,” wrote Guy Dubord in his foundational 1957 “Report on the Construction of situations”, “wished to be the refusal of all the values of bourgeois society, whose bankruptcy had just become so glaringly evident” on the battlefields of the First World War. [Guy Debord & the Situationist International 2002; introduction p ix]
In the summer of 1957, the International Movement for an Imagist Bauhaus... published singlularly odd map of Paris entitled The Naked City, the creation of which was credited to G E Dubord [ibid p241, map p 242]
Add map p 242
Putting the psychoanalytical couch in the street, transforming the city into an immense divan, a site for applying and realising the slightest desire... [ ibid p297]
Revolution is not “showing” life to people, rather it is making them live [Knabb, ed., Anthology, Debord, “Pour un jugement revolutionaire de l’art,” 15.

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