Monday 28 January 2013

Drawing on a large scale

Drawing on a large scale- John Bently

Looking at a small picture and interpreting it on a large scale (A1)
We each drew a given picture and wrote our number on the back of the picture.
We had to draw using just ink. After that we stuck them together with sellotape in numerical order

This image was tiny, about 5cm square.

My image on A1 cartridge paper

sellotaping the images together in numerical order

 Then we rolled up the sello-taped drawings and took them onto the balcony

 Off to the balcony of Chelsea College

Preparing to deploy

It was windy

Laying the drawings out on the snow

Rolled up and put away

I really enjoyed this session because in the beginning I didn't know how to start. It was scary to copy a tiny image onto such a big scale. I spent about 10 minutes just staring at the image wondering where to start. I decided working on the surroundings, and moved onto the image later. I feel I learned how to work on a big scale from a small scale. Some detail was very small and I had to interpret it into a big scale. It reminded me of the Hockney exhibition "the Bigger Picture" in the Royal Academy last year.

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