Monday 28 January 2013

Drawing with Charlotte Mann 2

Drawing with Charlotte Mann
Big scale drawing
A group project

We had been told to bring thread and fabric to the class, and each of us brought a chair!
Charlotte told us that as a textile designer you have to learn how to work in different scales. So she gave us a challenge to make a vast drawing as a group.
It was fascinating to work with my class mates.
I really enjoyed the discussions as we shared ideas.
Charlotte came and encouraged us with suggestions. "Add more colour" or "step back and look at the drawing".
We went back to the sculpture and added to our wrapping, and then returned to drawing.
We were really engaged, involved, even excited!
It was comfortable to work in a group- especially working in such a big scale.

Calico for wrapping

Chairs suspended (my daughter Felix's first chair is on top)

Wrapped into a sculptural form using the thread or material we'd brought

Preparing large sheets of paper to draw the sculpture we had made

We each drew a section of the sculpture 

Then we added more images and colours

 Adding colour, we started to have a richer look of the objects we had drawn
Here I am working on my part of this fascinating group project

Overlapping colours and images. Adding colour made the drawing richer and more interesting.

Adding colour

We were working on the wall, The othe group were working on the floor

I went around to see what the other group were doing Here is their work 

An angled view of our finished work

Our finished group work 
Almost like a Picasso!?

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