Sunday 27 January 2013

Popup project

A collection of wrapped objects from my popup project.
I wrapped conkers and tree bark

Popup Project
We had been asked for the Popup project to make a selection of objects.

I chose objects related to my memory, my culture, found objects and my love of natural colours.

Inspiration came from the Rough Guide project, picking up things laying on the street that people had stepped on or thrown away, and the marks people left on these objects.

Things fall on the ground, paper falls and people step on it, conkers fall hard and sharp. The conkers leave a mark as they fall, the paper is marked by people's steps. They are full of memories, like a finger-print on a passport.
I imagine all the people who have passed by, and stepped on these objects, people from all over the world.

People leaving coins from many countries, dropped by bank machines, in front of cafes, on street corners. 

I used my objects to make marks using ink and acrylic paint. I tried to express the texture of my objects by mark making. My objects were hard, and rough and sharp. I tried to get the sense of these qualities, hardness, roughness and sharpness into my drawings for my Swatch book.

I was surprised by the patterns and designs I was able to make just using paper, ink and my objects. In the beginning, I couldn't figure out how to do it. My first drawing just used the object and the ink. It was hopeless (see top left), and I was not satisfied. Then, the more I did, the greater variety of marks, and patterns I was able to get. I really felt satisfied with some of them. I remember leaving the session in Chelsea, and carrying on mark making at home.  I felt more relaxed at home, without the pressure of the timetable. 
I am happier with the pieces I made at home as I seemed to get better results as i continued experimenting.

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