Wednesday 9 January 2013



Simple machine knitting
 I used number 10 on the top, for a loose effect,
and number 5 at the end for a tighter effect

A view of the top where I succeeded in adding eight threads with difficulty
Three pieces of simple domestic knitting by using thick wool and thread from sacking. I began in the first piece (right to left) using only wool, and I started to add sacking thread to the wool in the second piece.
The third piece was made just from the sacking.
I found it hard to knit with the sacking in the second piece as the two materials had such different qualities.The sacking thread is thick and inflexible, whilst the wool is supple.
For the third piece, on the left, I used only sacking thread. This was also difficult to rotate, due to the stiffness of the sacking.
I was using this stiff and rough material as I was looking for similare textures to my selection of Topup objects.

This cream and green piece is made from old sacking and a thin sewing thread. I used a domestic knitting machine. I used simple knitting. In the middle, I used three needles to create the holes. At the end of my piece I made three holes by using hand selected holes.

A large version of knitting cord on domestic (single bed).

A detail of the piece above

A picture of the piece suspended

a close up of the earlier piece showing the detail of the three added threads of sacking. I was looking for a rough texture against the softer wool.

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